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Our Story

My Tribe was originally created by 3 women who all have different experience with neurodiversity and recognised the difficulty in finding good support.  There is a lot of information out there, however, navigating this, knowing what is helpful and then knowing what to do with it is hard.  We wanted to create a safe network of people with skills that can work together and create a supportive environment for people.


Lucy Westwood is the CEO of My Tribe.  She is a highly experienced BACP mental health therapist with 8 years specialising in working with ND clients.  She has family members with autism and has ADHD herself too.


Vicci Strouthos is a founding member of My Tribe. Vicci has over 10 years of working with neurodiversity within the EYFS system.  She has first hand experience of Global Development Delay and autism with family members too.


Lynne Morrow is also a founding member of My Tribe.  Lynne has over 20 years of working within schools to support young people with autism as a mentor and has first hand experience of autism through her family members.  She also runs training sessions for teachers and organisations.  


Orpington, Kent





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