What We Offer
My Tribe are able to offer a number of different support services for individuals, families and organistaions. We are also able to support therapists to develop their practice with ND awareness through supervison, training and CPD.
Please select from the following to see how we can help you:
​For Clients
How It Works
Prices range from £35 - £70 per hour depending on the type of service and your needs and finances.
We offer all new clients an introductory session for £35 which is a time to find out more about each other, explore what you need from us and to discuss what we can do to best support you.
We create a bespoke support network with you.
You can access more than one type of support at the same time - eg, mentoring alongside therapy.
Different members of the family can also access support under My Tribe at the same time - eg. young person having therapy and parent having therapy with a different therapist - both being completely confidential and not discussed.
We are not time limited in our service. You can use us as much or as little as your would like.
All members of My Tribe UK are strictly vetted by Lucy Westwood and have considerable direct experience, either personally or professionally, of neurodiversity. All team members work together to best support our clients through shared knowledge and have regular clinical supervision.